Things are coming together at home. The style of our apartment lends itself to a simpler Japanese aesthetic so we’re going with natural colors, light timber and low furniture. Our living room also serves as our guest room and gets loads of light, so we finally got around to installing a blind so our visitors can sleep!
Apartments here come without window furnishings, light fittings and appliances; so we’ve used an Ikea Tupplur blind and Ikea Melodi lamp. Our sofa is Muji, constructed from a bed frame, sofa parts and cover. We’ve also finally found the perfect rug, a combination of the boucherouite and geometric styles I’ve been looking at. It’s the Triangle Rug from Niko and… and I love that the shapes look like tiny Mt Fuji’s.
Our coffee table is from Ikea (already sold out!) and we found our tree at a local florist, which lives in a Magga Basket. The flowers are still going strong after my birthday and the monkeys are this years zodiac character, from my first visit to Meiji Jingu this year. We’re getting there!
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